untitled arena no. 1
untitled arena no. 1

sumi ink on paper, 48*48

untitled arena no. 2
untitled arena no. 2

sumi ink on paper 48*48

normal childhood
normal childhood

sumi ink, pencil, acrylic, on paper, 48*48

tired and exposed
tired and exposed

sumi ink, pencil, on paper, 48*48

the smell of your breathing
the smell of your breathing

sumi ink, pencil, on paper, 48*48

untitled arena no. 1
untitled arena no. 2
normal childhood
tired and exposed
the smell of your breathing
untitled arena no. 1

sumi ink on paper, 48*48

untitled arena no. 2

sumi ink on paper 48*48

normal childhood

sumi ink, pencil, acrylic, on paper, 48*48

tired and exposed

sumi ink, pencil, on paper, 48*48

the smell of your breathing

sumi ink, pencil, on paper, 48*48

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